Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1st!

Stumped? All alliterations are absolutely absurd.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


1. August 1st, I will make a date post, perhaps with a prompt for the stumped individuals. You comment with a spectacular sentence.

2. The next day, we do it again.

3. Spectacular means whatever you want it to mean. Mystical, hilarious, insightful, twisted, precise, incoherent. Spectacular doesn't have to mean the same thing to you every day. Nobody gets to criticize your idea of spectacular.

4. Multiple sentences are allowed, but leave them in separate comments. Please don't go overboard and crowd out everyone else's creativity.

5. Prompts are for folks who want them. You don't have to pay them any heed if you don't want to.

6. Use today's words. Want to post a sentence from your new song lyrics or your dissertation? Fine. But only if it was written today. Obviously, we're on the honor system here. But this is a creativity exercise, not a pissing contest.

7. Angry sentences are okay, but don't be a meanie. Really offensive stuff will be BALEETED!

8. Enjoy, and spread the word! This will be more fun if lots of folks join.